Anorectal disorders are conditions that affect the anus and the rectum area.
They include benign conditions such as hemorrhoids to more serious conditions such as anorectal cancer.
They are neuromuscular and functional disorders, often associated with constipation and faecal incontinence,
and structural disorders.
Anorectal diseases can be caused by body structure, diet, lifestyle and bacteria present in the waste produced by the body. But also, pregnant women are very prone to hemorrhoidal discomfort.
Most of anorectal disorders are mainly characterized by mucosal damage and impairment in microcirculation.
Treatments of anorectal disorders are absolutely various. The choice of the treatment depends on many factors: type of disorders, age of patient, aetiology, level of pain, presence of infections and concomitant pathologies.
According to the evaluation of aetiology, there are different therapeutical approaches: